Wednesday, December 5, 2007


The new Macy's commercial with all the stars is my favorite. I love how all of them are in one commercial. It really makes you want to go there to shop. I really wasn't a big Macy's fan, it wasn't the store i went to when i went to the mall to shop but now that they offer all of these different lines in one store i did go in there and look around. The commercial is a very festive and appealing commercial. I thought it was great for the holidays. It keeps your attention and really makes you get into it because you never know who is going to appear next. I loved how they were all decorating the store and setting up there line. It was an all around good commercial and i loved it.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

NY Times compared to Local News

The local news and the new york times are very different. I would prefer to watch the local news rather then get my news from New York times only because the New York times is very broad. I usually just get online to find the news from or other local news sites. They are very different in that the new york times offers entertainment news and things that are happening globally. I usually just go to the news sites to check the weather and while the new york times has a lot of great articles and i don't have a lot of time to watch and read about those but I'm very glad they are there if i need to read them.

Old Navy

I think the new old navy commercial is very appealing. It makes you want to go out and get the metallic straight leg pants that its advertising. Its a very classy commercial that catches your eye as soon as you watch it. I normally don't like the old navy commercials but i feel lately they have gotten better about making them not look as cheap and more appealing to a younger crowd. While i do like there clothing a lot of people think there clothing is a cheaper look i think the commercials make you think otherwise. This commercial is one of them. When i first saw it i thought it was a gap commercial. Its very festive and perfect for the holidays!

Yahoo Avatars

I thought the yahoo avatars were interesting and a very creative idea. I had herd of avatars before on "the N" channel which is Canadian television for teenagers and on there you can create your avatar. I really didn't understand what you were suppose to do with them but i thought they seemed fun and interesting. I liked the idea of creating it, i found it very neat how you could dress them up and then pick and choose different outfits and different hats etc. I think the avatars would be more popular amongst teens, i think it would be a neat idea if you could create an avatar to put on your myspace or facebook. I think it would make it more popular by doing that.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

In class Thursday we discussed the different condom commericals in the world. I found a lot of them very interesting. I think that the ones that were the most affective were the ones that showed the after affect if you don't wear condoms. Its really good to make people think of what your life could be like if you decided not to wear one. The best one was the little kid in the supermarket with his dad. Its nice to let guys get to see what it could be like with kids. In most commericals you always see the younger girls having to raise the child alone but in that commerical you actually see the dad having to take responsibility for their choice not to use a condom. I really liked all the commerical that you showed in class on Thursday they were all entertaining!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This weekend I was watching TV and i kept hearing about this advertisement that was put out in Milan during fashion week that was causing major controversy. This add was photographed by Oliviero Toscani, He said that "the message is also targeted at the very industry that is selling the goods, The problem of eating disorders has long plagued the fashion world, with the proliferation of super-thin models whom critics say not only harm themselves, but establish unhealthy role models for young female consumers". The girl in the ad is actress Isabelle Caro, she is said to be 27 years old and has been battling anorexia since a teenager. The advertisement has caused quiet the stir, many people feel its a good thing because it shows what being to thin does to you and why you should want to better your body. I agree with that, i think its a great example to young people today, it shows how harmful and how awful eating disorders really are. I also think its proof that the pressure to be thin is a major problem today. While on the other hand, others found the advertisement to be horrifying, Didier Grumbach, head of the French Couture Federation, lashed out at the fashion house. "I find this absolutely scandalous," "Winning notoriety through people's illness is painful. What we're seeing here is sensationalism by a label, to the detriment of an extremely serious social problem." Others say that young teens will see this ad and want to look like her. I don't see how anyone would want to look so unhealthy, but i think people have an image of what they want to look like and some won't stop until they get there. I think the advertisement is a good example only if it's really there as an example and not for other things.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

A few weeks ago we discussed in class how stores such as abercrombie kids and limited too are selling clothing that are to scandalise for children. I agree that abercrombie should not be selling things such as thongs and shirts that cut low for little girls, and shirts that say inappropriate things for young boys. I think some of limited too clothing is to mature for young girls as well. They also sell thong underwear for young girls and shirts that cut to low and stay inappropriate things on them. These stores are all competing with each other therefor they all sell around the same things. Kids always want to be older and dress older and these are the clothing they want. I feel they should find a good role model to represent there stores and loose the image they have to gain more respect from parents, along with selling more clothes that are more kidelike. I think someone like Miley Cyrus from Disney channel's Hannah Montana or Zach effron from high school musical would benefit them. I know if i were a parent i would never let my child wear thong underwear or shirts that say things like "your boyfriend says hi" etc. Children wear these things not knowing what they mean and it even makes the parents look bad for buying them. I would want my kids to be able to be young and be a kid while they can, instead of pushing them to look older and wear such clothing.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Why do we celebrate Christmas?

Today in class we discussed the reason that we celebrate Christmas. We all think that we know exactly why we celebrate Christmas but is the reason we think the real reason that we do it? I know that my family and I celebrate Christmas because it just seems to be a traditional holiday that we have always celebrated. I am a Christian and I believe that the true reason Christmas is celebrated is a wonderful thing but I feel like I don't celebrate Christmas for those reasons. I feel like Christmas has turned into this greedy thing that its another day of the year that you can get presents besides your birthday. I feel like as a society we lose whats really important about Christmas and why it is celebrated. Like we said in class why do we get other people presents and recieve presents on a day that is suppose to be the celebration of Jesus' birthday. I mean on my birthday no one else is recieving gifts but me. I think that Christmas has turned into a day for retailers to make more money and children to be spoiled. The one good thing that I can say about Christmas, well for me atleast, is that its a day that all my family gets together. Since I live 2000 miles from any of my family its nice to go home for Christmas and see everybody. Its just a time to catch up and take a step out of our busy lives to relax and be with the ones we love.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

September 5, 2007

Tuesday in class we discussed the difference's between facebook and myspace. I have both of them and I have to say that they are both addicting and a fun thing to have. They both connect you to people all around the world. I grew up in Virginia and there are kids I haven't spoken to in about 6 years and because of facebook and myspace we can now keep in touch. Its a fun way to see how people have changed, what they've been up to and where they are now. Both of them have qualities that i like and dislike. I do feel facebook is safer then myspace. On facebook you can only see people that are your friends and only your friends can see you. Myspace has fun layouts and its fun to decorate while facebook has a better way to share photos and keep up with people. I do think facebook is getting bigger then myspace, and will continue to grow. I also think its only a matter of time until myspace or something else comes along and creates something bigger and better.

Thoughts on Lolita's Closet

When reading Lolita's Closet I could definitely relate to the mother and her daughter trying to shop for back to school. When I was in middle school and high school we had a very strict dress code. You would be sent home for skirts/shorts being to short, shirts being to low cut or exposing your back or stomach. So at the end of every summer I would be really excited to go back to school shopping, because what girl doesn't love shopping, but by the end of the day I would just be frustrated. It's not only frustating for me but for my mom too. She doesn't want to send her little girl looking easy or a lot older than she is. Of couse I wanted to wear the latest trend and look better than all my friends, but it seemed like all the trendy stores that my friends and I loved to shop at had nothing that fit into the school dress code. It's ashame that name brand stores such as Abercrombie and Fitch and Limited Too can't put out a line a clothes that their target market can wear anywhere. I also feel like in todays world young girls are expected to grow up too fast and look a lot older than they are. I don't understand why clothing stores whos tarket market is girls between the ages of 8 to 12 have the same clothes as the stores whos tarket market is between the ages 18 to 25. I think its important for the stores that tarket girls ages 8 to 12 to put out something that is appropriate for that age group so that they can still look trendy but not take away from their youthfulness and innocents. I know that I related to the article of Lolita's Closet and i'm sure there are a number of other girls who have or are experiencing the same thing.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

August 22, 2007

Yesterday in class we discussed how Vera Wang wants to start selling her line in Kohl's, and whether or not people would still view her as being top of the line and exclusive merchandise. We feel that her popularity would drop b/c like Cody discussed in class its kinda like music and how you love the bands that no one knows about but when they become mainstream you don't like them as much. if you can get her clothes and bedding etc. anywhere then everyone is going to have it. but yet we do also agree with how others were saying that not everyone knows who Vera Wang is and that could gain her popularity. We also think that her sells could possibly decline because the people that shop at Kohl's are used to there low prices and won't want to spend that much money on clothes. We think that maybe she should have created a line and sold it at a higher end store such as Macy's or something like that. but who knows what will happen, i guess we will find out!!

Ciera and Savannah