Wednesday, December 5, 2007


The new Macy's commercial with all the stars is my favorite. I love how all of them are in one commercial. It really makes you want to go there to shop. I really wasn't a big Macy's fan, it wasn't the store i went to when i went to the mall to shop but now that they offer all of these different lines in one store i did go in there and look around. The commercial is a very festive and appealing commercial. I thought it was great for the holidays. It keeps your attention and really makes you get into it because you never know who is going to appear next. I loved how they were all decorating the store and setting up there line. It was an all around good commercial and i loved it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love those commercials too. I love to watch to see what celebrities are going to be in the commercial. I think it is a really effective campaign for Macys to use.