Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Thoughts on Lolita's Closet

When reading Lolita's Closet I could definitely relate to the mother and her daughter trying to shop for back to school. When I was in middle school and high school we had a very strict dress code. You would be sent home for skirts/shorts being to short, shirts being to low cut or exposing your back or stomach. So at the end of every summer I would be really excited to go back to school shopping, because what girl doesn't love shopping, but by the end of the day I would just be frustrated. It's not only frustating for me but for my mom too. She doesn't want to send her little girl looking easy or a lot older than she is. Of couse I wanted to wear the latest trend and look better than all my friends, but it seemed like all the trendy stores that my friends and I loved to shop at had nothing that fit into the school dress code. It's ashame that name brand stores such as Abercrombie and Fitch and Limited Too can't put out a line a clothes that their target market can wear anywhere. I also feel like in todays world young girls are expected to grow up too fast and look a lot older than they are. I don't understand why clothing stores whos tarket market is girls between the ages of 8 to 12 have the same clothes as the stores whos tarket market is between the ages 18 to 25. I think its important for the stores that tarket girls ages 8 to 12 to put out something that is appropriate for that age group so that they can still look trendy but not take away from their youthfulness and innocents. I know that I related to the article of Lolita's Closet and i'm sure there are a number of other girls who have or are experiencing the same thing.

1 comment:

Professor Sanghvi said...

that article frightened me greatly. especially coz you see it all around and you don't need to be a parent to worry about the clothes kids are wearing these days. but i guess the parents don't seem to be worrying too much since they are ones buying it for their children.