Saturday, September 29, 2007

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This weekend I was watching TV and i kept hearing about this advertisement that was put out in Milan during fashion week that was causing major controversy. This add was photographed by Oliviero Toscani, He said that "the message is also targeted at the very industry that is selling the goods, The problem of eating disorders has long plagued the fashion world, with the proliferation of super-thin models whom critics say not only harm themselves, but establish unhealthy role models for young female consumers". The girl in the ad is actress Isabelle Caro, she is said to be 27 years old and has been battling anorexia since a teenager. The advertisement has caused quiet the stir, many people feel its a good thing because it shows what being to thin does to you and why you should want to better your body. I agree with that, i think its a great example to young people today, it shows how harmful and how awful eating disorders really are. I also think its proof that the pressure to be thin is a major problem today. While on the other hand, others found the advertisement to be horrifying, Didier Grumbach, head of the French Couture Federation, lashed out at the fashion house. "I find this absolutely scandalous," "Winning notoriety through people's illness is painful. What we're seeing here is sensationalism by a label, to the detriment of an extremely serious social problem." Others say that young teens will see this ad and want to look like her. I don't see how anyone would want to look so unhealthy, but i think people have an image of what they want to look like and some won't stop until they get there. I think the advertisement is a good example only if it's really there as an example and not for other things.


Unknown said...

wow that's unbelievable. Good idea to show how this eating disorder is horrible...but bad idea to display someone's illness like that. I wonder what the model thinks about this? Ugh, it's kind of creepy and sad.

Thanks for sharing.

CARS2009 said...

I think this ad is shocking and sad and really puts a reality to the hell that people go through when they battle an eating disorder. I think the ad is very drastic and in your face, but sometimes, people need to be shocked into the reality of what unhealhty decisions look like.