Wednesday, December 5, 2007


The new Macy's commercial with all the stars is my favorite. I love how all of them are in one commercial. It really makes you want to go there to shop. I really wasn't a big Macy's fan, it wasn't the store i went to when i went to the mall to shop but now that they offer all of these different lines in one store i did go in there and look around. The commercial is a very festive and appealing commercial. I thought it was great for the holidays. It keeps your attention and really makes you get into it because you never know who is going to appear next. I loved how they were all decorating the store and setting up there line. It was an all around good commercial and i loved it.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

NY Times compared to Local News

The local news and the new york times are very different. I would prefer to watch the local news rather then get my news from New York times only because the New York times is very broad. I usually just get online to find the news from or other local news sites. They are very different in that the new york times offers entertainment news and things that are happening globally. I usually just go to the news sites to check the weather and while the new york times has a lot of great articles and i don't have a lot of time to watch and read about those but I'm very glad they are there if i need to read them.

Old Navy

I think the new old navy commercial is very appealing. It makes you want to go out and get the metallic straight leg pants that its advertising. Its a very classy commercial that catches your eye as soon as you watch it. I normally don't like the old navy commercials but i feel lately they have gotten better about making them not look as cheap and more appealing to a younger crowd. While i do like there clothing a lot of people think there clothing is a cheaper look i think the commercials make you think otherwise. This commercial is one of them. When i first saw it i thought it was a gap commercial. Its very festive and perfect for the holidays!

Yahoo Avatars

I thought the yahoo avatars were interesting and a very creative idea. I had herd of avatars before on "the N" channel which is Canadian television for teenagers and on there you can create your avatar. I really didn't understand what you were suppose to do with them but i thought they seemed fun and interesting. I liked the idea of creating it, i found it very neat how you could dress them up and then pick and choose different outfits and different hats etc. I think the avatars would be more popular amongst teens, i think it would be a neat idea if you could create an avatar to put on your myspace or facebook. I think it would make it more popular by doing that.