Sunday, October 7, 2007

In class Thursday we discussed the different condom commericals in the world. I found a lot of them very interesting. I think that the ones that were the most affective were the ones that showed the after affect if you don't wear condoms. Its really good to make people think of what your life could be like if you decided not to wear one. The best one was the little kid in the supermarket with his dad. Its nice to let guys get to see what it could be like with kids. In most commericals you always see the younger girls having to raise the child alone but in that commerical you actually see the dad having to take responsibility for their choice not to use a condom. I really liked all the commerical that you showed in class on Thursday they were all entertaining!


CARS2009 said...

I completely agree! I think it's good that commercial showed the negative affects of not using a condom for a male. Usually the female is targeted in those types of commercials because she's the one who has the child, but the male should also be held responsible for his actions. A lot of the time pregnancy isn't the subject of condom commercials, only STD's, so it's good that this commercial brought it up. I also liked that this commercial used humor. I think it can be effective to use humor when talking about more serious subjects.


Elizabeth and Dana said...

I agree. I think the supermarket commercial was very effective. It's important for people to see the consequences of their actions. It was good that they targeted men instead of just women, because women aren't the only ones that have to live with the consequences. I also liked that they used humor in the commercial.


Jordan&Asia said...

You made a great point about the father having to take responsibility for not wearing a condom. They need to emphasize more that it is also part the man's fault and not show the mom always taking care of the child.

Maria and Lauren said...

i agree with you, i also liked the commerical with the kid inthe shows the results of not using protection or birth contreceptives. the commericals were both entertaining and effective!